Indiana Originals Features Neuro-Groove on 93.1 WIBC

On Sunday, January 19, 2020, Terri Stacy and Mel McMahon chat with Michelle Sigg, Founder of Neuro-Groove. Learn about Michelle’s career switch from engineering to massage therapy, how massage can benefit you, and what training your brain really means.  Hear a different Indiana Originals member each Sunday at 10:45 am on 93.1 WIBC. Thanks for listening!

This segment made possible by our sponsors at B&W Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Drains.

About Neuro-Groove: You optimize every other aspect of your life, isn’t it time to focus on YOU? At Neuro-Groove, we help you maximize your brain’s efficiency and achieve the ultimate experience in relaxation. Learn more at