INDIANA OWNED Holiday Gift Guide
Tribute Milestones – PERSONAL TRIBUTE - $ Prices Vary
Tribute Milestones is an original content verse composed for those chosen to commemorate their special occasion. Our sole goal is to create a verbal custom celebration for those on the dates of their most important events. Each tribute is a one-of-a-kind 100% personal piece celebrating a major element of one’s life: birth, wedding, graduation, retirement, passing, and pets. At Tribute Milestones the subject of each effort is honored. Tribute Milestones are written, narrated, set to music, available in hard copy, digitally, and podcast form. Every word of every effort is original. All person/event writing is carefully researched with a questionnaire and/or personal phone call. We are in the business of uplifting the honoree and all of those enjoy our honorariums.
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