Spiritual Synergy Session: TaoTeChing, Current Energies & Events
Jul 08, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
✨ During this month’s session, we are talking about removing expectations as we learn about the 6th verse in the Tao Te Ching and how this is connected to our current events, the current retrogrades and eclipses, and the Bible. Come with an open heart and mind, bring a journal, and enjoy sharing space with like-minded Souls. ✨
The Session starts at 6pm EST on Heart’s Joy’s YouTube ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFmvsI4ROjzIRFN2phhJxMA
✨ Participating in the Sessions are free! Memberships are available to support, inspire, and continue learning along your journey!
The Abundant Membership includes:
Daily Journal (one time gift) • Monthly Newsletter • Coaching during Office Hours • Magical Musings Facebook Group • Discounts/Offers
Membership Details ➡️ https://hearts-joy.thinkific.com/courses/spiritual-synergy-sessions
We don’t endorse any one religious organization.
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