Wine and Donate for Aidens Journey

Feb 01, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Come out and help support this young boy and his family. 15% of sales will go directly to help this family with medical bills and travel to and from the Mayo clinic. They will have a trip in February.

Aiden currently only has 1/4 function of ONE kidney which is what requires the transplant. He has had bladder surgery for reflux and ureter re-implantation, tethered spine release, GTube, Tonsillectomy, many scopes, many CT scans and MRIs, many broncs, exploratory procedures, Gtube site repair.. he has very frequent labs as well.
It has been explained to me that when Aiden was forming there was a blockage somewhere near his urinary tract which is what caused the kidney issues from losing blood flow to those organs. Nobody knows why all of this has happened as a whole. We are currently seeing geneticist at Mayo who are looking deeper for answers. The first test from genetics Aiden had done was called a Chromosomal Micro array it showed that he has a 811 kilobase duplication at 20q13.33 which is an interval that involves 33 known genes. They do not know at this time until we go to the next step if this duplication has any clinical significance or is a benign copy number change. So our next step is to do a test called Whole Exome Sequencing which would be taken from Aiden, myself, and his father to allow for more answers. This is a $5,000 lab test! But could hold the answers to what could be causing Aiden’s issues, what he has going on specifically, and what could come up in the future.