Featured Member: Fatherless Daughters

Local business owner, Stephanie Daily, says after her Dad passed away, she felt alone and isolated. She says she remembers thinking, "I can't be the only person that feels this way." Turns out, she wasn't. Realizing that there were thousands of other women who were going through similar experiences she could reach out to and say, "I'm having a really bad day." She created Fatherless Daughters. Stephanie explains she's always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but money and other responsibilities always held her back. When she decided to launch Fatherless Daughters, it was a huge leap of faith, but she says her goal was to reach out and help women in all stages of their grief, which in turn, helped her with her own. "I've always wanted to support local businesses, and Indianapolis is such a vibrant city," says Stephanie. "I love seeing people I know really making a difference in our community, and I'd like to think I've done my part by creating Fatherless Daughters. Seeing women support each other makes my heart so full." The best advice she would give to anyone thinking of starting their own business? "Research everything. Be clear on your vision and what you want to accomplish before you start your business." While Fatherless Daughters doesn't have any upcoming events lined up just yet, Stephanie says she would love to have one at City Market if given the opportunity. At the moment, she's focusing on grant research and writing in her near future. Learn more about Fatherless Daughters here: https://www.indianaoriginals.com/listing/service-provider-fatherless-daughters