Fifth Annual Indianapolis Scottish Highland Games and Festival

indianapolis scottish highland gamesIf you haven't been to German Park lately, now is as good of a time to visit as ever.  The Fifth Annual Indianapolis Scottish Highland Games and Festival is October 11th from 9am to 9pm at German Park, 8600 S. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN.  New this year is the Solo Piper contest.  Back by popular request is Rat Pucking, as well as Scottish food and drink, live Celtic bands playing all day, Scotch whisky tasting, Scottish vendors and wares, face painting and quest, and of course the ever popular people in kilts throwing awkward heavy things.  Tickets are $12 for adults and $5 per child in advance online, $15/$8 at gate, under 4 free.  Discounts are available for military, seniors, and families. For more info go to:, facebook: IndyScotGamesAndFest, twitter: @indyscotfest, or contact Deneice Jarrett via email at page-0[1]