Indiana Originals Features Marilene Isaacs Kauffman on 93.1 WIBC

On Sunday, January 10th, 2016 Mel McMahon and Terri Stacy spoke with Indiana Original member Marilene Isaacs Kaufman of Center of Peace about her work as a natural healer, why she stayed in Indiana, and following your intuition! Listen to the Indiana Original Business Spotlight every Sunday at 10:45 AM on 93.1 WIBC. [audio mp3=""][/audio] About: Marilene Isaacs is a mystic, natural healer, empath, and intuitive since birth, remembering her birth and where she existed  before that time. Her unique gifts enable her to heal people, animals, and places. For over 40 years, she has used and continues to use her spiritual gifts to transform the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Marilene is a nationally renowned Psychic. She has appeared in all forms of mass media since the 70's and continues to be a  regular personality on radio, television, and film. Further, her continued and unwavering dedication to the actualization of unconditional love and truth has never been more relevant. This production is made possible with help from the following: