Michelle Marocco Jewelry and Fine Arts

Michelle Marocco Jewelry and Fine Arts has officially launched a new website. This new site features a wish list, photos of possible styling options, and the ability to schedule a personal appointment at the Michelle Marocco showroom. More than anything, this new site was created with the shopper in mind, and provides an enhanced user experience.   Michelle Marocco Jewelry and Fine Arts is an internationally known brand, and has been seen on a multitude of celebrities. The combination of diamonds, semi-precious stones, leather, and natural elements creates a truly one of a kind piece of jewelry, all sparked by spiritual inspiration. Her collections include BusyGirlTM, NiyamaTM, and Marocco ManGear.   For more information, and to see the new website, please visit: michellemarocco.com   About Michelle Marocco Jewelry and Fine Arts Michelle’s life passion is being in the moment of the creative process. To capture and harness that compelling urgency to create is her driving force. Her creations channel positive energy and help to renew the soul. Michelle’s artistic talent also extends into large-scale abstract expressionist and figurative paintings. After a 15-year career as a successful canvas artist, Michelle began creating jewelry 8 years ago, and the Marocco line now includes numerous unique collections true to her original concept of “The Audacity of Diamonds on Leather.” With consciousness, Michelle’s multi-dimensional imagination helps her to handcraft one-of-a-kind wearable art and you can feel the energy infused in both her jewelry creations while wearing them and also upon reflection of her artwork.