New Member Monday: Trail Hobo

The founders of Trail Hobo, Jeanie Watson, Chad Barnes and Jacob Barnes, began their local business with their passion of outdoors in mind. More than anything, they “wanted to start a business that supports Indiana and Midwest artisans and makers.” Since both Chad and Jeanie have been entrepreneurs for over 20 years, the plan to begin a new business with a focus on the outdoors seemed like a no-brainer. Now, the business is growing, and they have broadened the focus of the company. They say, “We have recently moved away from focusing solely on hiking, to a shop that continues to have an outdoors theme and promotes exceptional local products.” Having a clear focus, but being flexible to change it if necessary is one of the many tips they would give to those thinking of starting their own local business. Also, they suggest to, “utilize technology such as social media; learn from other successful businesses that you respect; don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions.” Thanks for all that you do! For more information, please visit their website: