Getting Started

Maximize Your Membership

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Getting Started

  • Mel

    Welcome to the community of Hoosiers helping create healthier, stronger communities and more jobs in Indiana. We are excited to help you stand out from your national competition. As a certified local, Indiana Original business, you have a variety of opportunities. This “Maximize Your Membership” series is designed to help you understand and take advantage of your member benefits.

    Please add to your contacts so these important messages don’t get sent to spam. If you feel like you are missing out on something, you can always check our forums for the latest opportunities.

    Welcome to the community,

    Mel and Lance

    Learn how Indiana Originals got its start.



    Your business listing is the gateway to your products, place, or service. Create an attractive business listing to get in front of new customers and encourage them to take advantage of special deals. Keep your listing up to date so your future customer has accurate information and expectations. Make changes anytime.


    Download Your Badge

    Download your Indiana Originals Membership Badge from your dashboard! The Indiana Originals badge can be used on your website, brochures, sales sheets, promotional material, banners, flags–anything you can imagine! When you add the badge to your website, please have it link back to That helps both of our websites!

    As part of your membership application, you agreed to respect the integrity of the logo and use it appropriately. If you need help with adding the logo to something, we are happy to help.



    Soon you will receive a welcome kit with your Certified Local certificate, your official Indiana Originals member badge, support local stickers, information on how to maximize your membership, and more. If you share your excitement of being an Indiana Original on social media, please tag us so we can celebrate with you!

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