Are you interested in hosting a member mixer at your location? We are ready to do the inviting! Here is what hosting a mixer entails. Mixers can be in the morning, happy hour, or evening. Please reply to this thread with questions and suggestions!
*We invite Indiana Originals members (and the public) to join us for coffee and networking/lunch/happy hour. Everyone is responsible for their own bill, but we give away at least one gift card provided by the host to encourage that winner to come back or thank them for attending and create excitement for the event. The minimum value is $25. If you have some promotional items, you can give those away, too.
Here is the schedule of events.
0:00 am to 0:15 am: Open Networking
0:15 am to 0:30 am: Welcome and Announcements
0:30 am to 0:55 am: Eat, drink, and mingle
0:55 am: Door Prize Drawing
Mel is available to answer questions about Indiana Originals Membership for up to 30 minutes after the event.
We are always open to ideas and experiences, so this schedule is subject to change.
Posted September 4, 2019 at 9:48 am