Indiana Originals Deal$ Day, Third Monday of the Month, WISH-TV8’s IndyStyle

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Indiana Originals Deal$ Day, Third Monday of the Month, WISH-TV8’s IndyStyle

  • Mel

    Indiana Originals Deals Day is the third Monday of the month!

    Each month, we feature three or four different Indiana Originals and offer a discount on a product or service. After our appearance on live TV, each individual product will be boosted to your target audience in a sponsored post on Facebook and Instagram.

    Here are the participation requirements:

    1. Be able to offer an online discount or call-in discount using the code “INDYSTYLE”
    2. Provide a specific explanation of the discount
    3. Provide the end date of the discount (we suggest through the end of the month for promotional purposes)
    4. Provide a brief description of the items
    5. Provide a three to five sentence description of your company
    6. Deliver product for me to display on IndyStyle to our office at 4250 W 99th St, #120 by 3:00 PM on the Thursday before the appearance

    Cost to participate is $100.

    Check out last month’s feature on the blog.

    Would you like to participate? Fill out this form! A maximum of four members are featured at a time, so participation is first-come, first-served! Reply with questions.

    Thank you!




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