Indianapolis City Market – One Day Pop Up Opportunity

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Indianapolis City Market – One Day Pop Up Opportunity

  • Keisha Harrison

    The Indianapolis City Market will be celebrating a holiday pop up shopping day on December 8th inside the market house between 12pm to 6pm to support local businesses. We will be encouraging patrons to mail their letters to Santa on Monument Circle and then come by for local food, holiday shopping, and free hot cider. We will be featuring local artists and makers along with new pop up food vendors with our established IndyCM merchants. Free activities will be available for families to participate in. All applicants will be considered based on locally created products or community minded practices. We are hoping to feature vendors showcasing diverse, holiday traditions and products. Please know we will try hard to make sure there is not too much of any product to support a successful day of sales. This is an application not an agreement. All applicants will be notified within 5 business days of application if they are accepted. All applications are due by November 24th, 2021. Late applicants may not be considered. Spaces are limited. If you have any questions you may contact

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