Membership Survey

Announcements – “Add Your Announcements Here”

Membership Survey

  • Mel

    Thank you for your continued membership in Indiana Originals. Part of planning and executing the best year ever includes learning more about our members–what you like, dislike, need, can do without, etc.

    We teamed up with member Service Connections, Inc. to complete this project. Service Connections, Inc., is a market research and mystery shopping company with decades of experience delivering reliable and effective market research and mystery shopping services across the United States.

    Please respond by with your feedback by Wednesday, February 17, 2021, at 11:59 PM. This is anonymous, and I will not know who said what, so please give your honest feedback!

    All the best,


    Let us know what you love, what could be better, and share your ideas!

    Take the Survey

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