Showoff Your Product with Indiana Owned at JA JobSpark

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Showoff Your Product with Indiana Owned at JA JobSpark

  • Mel

    JA JobSpark: Redefining Hands On
    September 20-21, 2022
    JA JobSpark is a two-day, hands-on career expo impacting over 10,000 Indianapolis eighth graders. The JA JobSpark initiative includes in-class or remote curriculum and activities prior to and after attending the event. JA JobSpark is meant to “spark” an interest in students and get them excited for their future. Students will learn about skills needed for jobs that will be in demand when they graduate and will learn about the equipment that is used on those jobs daily. Students will have a better understanding of the courses they will need to take in high school, a track for post-secondary and a clear career pathway for what they find they are interested in.

    Indiana Owned/Indiana Gifts is hosting a display in the Hospitality and Tourism area. We have been tasked with showing off great food products from right here in Indiana.

    Interested in being featured? Please fill out the form below. Products must be from Indiana companies. Products may be dropped off at our office or shipped.

    Indiana Owned
    4250 W 99th St, STE 120
    Carmel, IN 46032
    (317) 662-4997

    Fill out the form here or below:

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