Tour Kokomo's Seiberling Mansion in Howard County

Indiana Historical SocietyJoin IHS Membership and Local History Services staff on September 11, 2014 for their first Award-Winning Local History Tour. This exciting day-trip will highlight local historical sites and their significance to Indiana's history. The tour goes through Kokomo's Seiberling Mansion and the Howard County Historical Society, recipient of the Indiana Historical Society Outstanding Historical Organization Award 2008 and Indiana History Outstanding Event or Project Award 2012 and Delphi's Wabash and Erie Canal Center, recipient of the Albert B. Corey Award from the American Association for State and Local History 2006. The trip begins with a guided, room by room, tour of the Seibering Mansion which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1889 by Monroe Seiberling, the mansion has went through several transitions before the Howard County Historical Society moved there in 1972. The tour includes all three floors and some behind the scenes opportunities not typically offered. The next stop heads to the Wabash and Erie Canal Conference and Interpretive Center. Erected in 2003 by a group of dedicated volunteers, this outstanding center offers much to see and enjoy from the interpretive center to the pioneer village to the canal boat tours. Lunch, snacks and transportation via coach are included. To join, please RSVP to Jennifer Hiatt at (317) 234-2670 or Please consider registering early, as space is limited to the first 50 participants. The registration fee is $75 for IHS members and $125 for non-members (individual membership is included). For more information, visit