$50 Today May Save Hundreds Next Year

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$50 Today May Save Hundreds Next Year

  • Michael Wright

    This isn’t a cheesy come on. It’s a valid offer to help you with your tax bill for 2021 by doing an estimated projection now.

    People don’t pay attention. Or rather, they only pay attention to the things that interest them.

    For example, I have almost no interest in sports. I’m aware there is a World Series, and a Super Bowl. I’m also aware that there are Olympic games going on. I even know the name of an Olympic athlete–something Biles. She withdrew from some events due to mental anguish of some sort.

    I don’t play sports, never have and never will. I get my exercise from walks and stair climbing. And I’m not very competitive in that way. When you don’t do well in phys ed in school, it’s hard to have any strong feeling about winning a race or scoring a goal.

    Just saying.

    But the things that do interest us attract our attention whenever we see or hear something about that interest.

    Car buffs pay close attention to the latest developments in performance, or tire design, or battery technology (for the EV crowd). People who love cars want to talk about them. They want to talk about the history of them, they want to talk about future developments, and they will all have a story about their favorite car and their experiences with it.

    At a recent networking meeting one of our members who is a photographer shared part of her collection of antique cameras–ranging in age from 100 to 50 years old. She showed us flash bulbs and film cartridges, both of which were met with the same kind of mixed awe and boredom reserved for Egyptian mummy cases. But she was interested and she had a story behind each of her acquisitions.

    She paid attention to cameras.

    Timing can also lead to increased interest. We think about distant relatives around their birthdays (if we have a tickler system to remind us). Every good husband worries about forgetting his spouse’s birthday or anniversary,  but only at the time of year when those events come up. Thoughts of Christmas come to mind in November and December, but not so much other times.

    I think you see where I’m going here. Taxes come to mind, but only during tax time. Only when it’s too late to make a difference on how much tax you pay.

    And that’s why I’m reminding you that now is the time to do a mid-year tax estimate so you will be ahead of the game. You still have five months to make any changes that could lower your tax bill for 2021. The longer you wait, the less chance you’ll have.

    So, for $50 I’ll review your year-to-date income and tax payments, project the results out to the full year, and then give you a report of the steps you can take to eliminate surprises when your 2021 tax return is filed. And if you have me do that return for you, you will receive full credit for that $50 payment.

    There is no deadline for this offer. But, the longer you wait, the less this will do to help you.

    If you want to know more, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment, just use this link and we’ll have a phone conversation.


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