On Sunday, October 15, 2017, Mel McMahon and Terri Stacy spoke with Kim Stoneking of Vantage Group about his experience as a CEO, how he is using that experience to help local business owners achieve their dreams, and the challenges entrepreneurs are facing today.  Hear to a new featured member each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. on 93.1 WIBC. Thanks for listening! [audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Indiana-Originals-Vantage-Group-10152017.mp3"][/audio] About Vantage Group: Kim works with leaders and their team to accelerate their business and personal results. Clients report a high return on investment as the team thinks and acts together for the change they want, improved employee engagement and loyalty, and the ability to get past any difficult, strategic challenges. Clients include small to large size businesses, trade and professional associations, and non-profit organizations. As a corporate and executive coach, Kim focuses on helping organizations to create a culture where continuous learning, goal setting and achievement, and self-improvement is constant. His focus is on such things as individual, team and corporate growth and performance, team building, leadership development, life balance, communications, time management and strategic planning and implementation. Organizations don’t fail….people do. Executive coaching clients include C-level executives, managers of all types, salespeople, school and medical professionals. Clients include both white and blue collar. All coaches promise some degree of results and behavior changes. At the Vantage Group, we turn that pyramid upside down. Knowing that nearly everyone has the skill & knowledge to succeed, we work on developing proper thinking, the development of right attitudes and habits, and a clarity of purpose which will lead to positive behavior changes, improved results and greater success. Specialties: Leadership development, strategic planning, group facilitation, time management, customer loyalty, team building, association management and governance Learn more at This production is made possible with the help from the following:   *Recorded with Terri Stacy, First Day *Broadcasted by 93.1 WIBC *Imaging by Steve O'Brien, SOVO Creative, Inc. *Music Credit to The Elms, "Back to Indiana"