6 tips to take your video marketing to the next level

Author: Greg Cross, CEO & Co-Founder of Glimpse Video

Creating videos for your business, now more than ever is crucial. If you’re not using video today, your business will be invisible tomorrow. Think about the implications of that statement. If you’re left wondering how to stay up to date with the trends, here are 6 tips to take your video marketing to the next level.

TIP #1 – Tell a story

Incorporating stories into your videos is a great way to improve viewer engagement. Rather than stating facts like your company’s name, mission, and services, look for ways to turn that information into an enjoyable story that viewers will connect with. And be sure the one telling the story is pleasant, enjoyable, and credible.

As part of your story, focus on adding value to your audience’s lives by providing actionable advice, recommendations, and ways you can help them, instead of just telling them what product or service you offer.

TIP #2 – Use the first 10 seconds wisely

Twenty percent of viewers will click out of a video within the first 10 seconds. That’s why we recommend making the first 10 seconds intriguing and straightforward. You want viewers to know exactly what your video is about, right from the very beginning. You don’t want to lose them because they aren’t sure if you’re video actually covers the topic they were searching for.

TIP #3 – Create visually engaging thumbnails

When you upload a video to YouTube or Facebook, you are given the option to upload a custom video thumbnail, the image that displays when a user first sees your video. Get creative and make your own; the time it takes to make an eye-catching thumbnail will pay off big time. And if you’re not creative, don’t worry, we can help you create stunning video thumbnails to get your videos noticed. Just click this link to see some of the great Thumbnail images we have created for Glimpse Video customers.

TIP #4 – Create a schedule

Instead of creating your videos as one-offs, think about creating a series of videos that will be part of an overarching campaign. This will keep viewers engaged and coming back for more, as they will be expecting new videos. You can also space your videos out over time and use them to lead viewers up to a new product launch or exciting announcement.

TIP #5 – Optimize your videos

Before you post your video on social platforms or YouTube, think about the keywords that people could use to find your video. Consider your audience and topic. Here are the three best ways to optimize your videos:

  1. Title Use a unique, relevant title for your video that uses the keywords that describe what your video is about.
  2. Description Use keywords, links, and a call-to-action, and make sure the video description includes a full explanation of your video.
  3. Tags We recommend tagging your videos or adding them to playlists which groups similar videos together. This will help your video appear as a “related video” when viewers watch similar content

With Glimpse Video, you can also add a custom call-to-action at the end of your videos or upload your own call-to-action graphic! And don’t forget to add a call-to-action button to your video emails.

TIP #6 – Include a Call-To-Action

Many companies forget one vital part of any good marketing video – the call to action. There are plenty of ways you can do this without sounding too “salesy”. It can be as simple as saying, “If you liked this video, be sure to follow us on Instagram @YOURPAGE or check out our website at YOURDOMAIN.com.”

With Glimpse Video, you can also add a custom call-to-action at the end of your videos or upload your own call-to-action graphic! And don’t forget to add a call-to-action button to your video emails!

What was your biggest take-away from today’s lesson? Share your thoughts on the Glimpse Video Facebook page!

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