Indiana Originals Features Joana Wade of JavAroma Roasters on 93.1 WIBC

On Sunday, February 10, 2019, Teri Stacy and Mel McMahon talk with Joana Wade, founder of JavAroma Roasters, about where our coffee comes from, why she got in to the business of coffee roasting, and what it means to be an Indiana Originals. Listen for a new Indiana Originals member every Sunday to 93.1 WIBC at 10:45 AM. Thanks for listening! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
About JavAroma Roasters: JavAroma Roasters is a micro-batch roasting company focusing on offering its customers high quality coffee with meaning behind it. We are committed to buying, roasting, retailing, and wholesaling specialty coffees. Whether it is in the coffee fields during harvesting season or enjoying an aromatic cup of coffee, JavAroma Roasters will strive to develop the artistic touch to the coffee industry while caring and considering the impact the company will have. Using a farm to cup concept, we seek to uphold and raise industry standards by building community through the power of coffee. Learn more at Recorded with Terri Stacy, First Day | Broadcasted by 93.1 WIBC | Imaging by Steve O’Brien, SOVO Creative, Inc. | Music Credit to The Elms, “Back to Indiana”