Indiana Originals Features member Cafe Baby on WISH-TV8's IndyStyle

Healthy snacking for toddlers...

Indiana Originals is simplifying your search for local by providing a growing, statewide directory of locally owned and operated businesses headquartered in Indiana. Online and on their app, you can find today’s featured Indiana Originals members, Café Baby! Mel McMahon introduces the home delivery baby food service.  Cafe Baby helps busy parents and caregivers give their littles ones fresh baby food free of chemicals and preservatives without the hassle of preparing it. Parents can go to the online store to make an order and their baby food is delivered every Monday evening. Puree menus range over three age groups that change in consistency and variety as baby grows and is able to digest different foods.  The Cafe Baby Bakery features snacks for Baby and the whole family and lactation cookies for nursing moms.  Cafe Baby is also growing with our babies and just launched a toddler menu with healthy finger foods. Co-owner Jeannie Marrugo, noticed that making homemade baby food for her daughter, Camila, was extremely time-consuming, and this revelation led Jeannie to start her own home delivery baby food service in which she partners with her mom, Sherri, who loves the cooking aspect of their business. Jeannie admits that their professional taste-tester, Camila, vouches for everything on the menu! Learn more about Café Baby at and on  Interested in making a purchase? Use the coupon code INDYSTYLE and receive $5 off a $50 order! @cafebabytogo Indiana Originals provides an online search engine and app to help consumers find Indiana-based businesses and brands. We strive to create stronger, healthier communities and more jobs in Indiana by encouraging and facilitating a greater use of independent, Indiana owned businesses. All of our members are locally owned and operated businesses headquartered in Indiana. Our members increase identification and exposure of local businesses, encourage a local preference, make local easier to find and recirculate three to five times more money in our local economy than a chain headquartered out of state. For more information, visit or download the app. @indoriginals