Lincoln Square Pancake House and Connect2Help211

Lincoln Square Pancake House has partnered with Connect2Help211. Stop by your local Lincoln Square Pancake House on June 23rd from 7am-4pm to support this connection. For every two cinnamon rolls purchased, they will help connect a family in need to a food pantry or other essential service.   This connection was sparked when Lincoln Square Pancake House owner, Chris Katris, visited the Connect2Help211 contact center and expressed amazement that a person’s life could be changed in a single phone call to 2-1-1.   For all Lincoln Square Pancake Houses, and more information on the event, please visit:   About Connect2Help211 Connect2Help211 is a nonprofit agency located in Indianapolis.  Connect2Help211 serves people in Indiana by developing and maintaining a health and human services database used to facilitate connections between people who need health and human services and those who provide them.   Connect2Help211’s integrated set of resources and services are the best source of help and information about the thousands of health and human service agencies and programs in Indiana.  The agency provides information and referral services (I&R) through the 2-1-1 dialing code, 926-HELP, and other toll-free numbers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The public can access the resource database for free at   About Lincoln Square Pancake House   From humble beginnings growing up in a village of 50-60 in Greece, to today being the founder of Lincoln Square Restaurants in Central Indiana, George Katris says dreaming big and having faith are the secrets to his success. George and his family own and operate seven Lincoln Square locations. “I always dreamed of being the best and I credit my mother with instilling that in me,” says George. In 2013, the company is slated to open to two more restaurants.   George and son, Chris Katris, President of Lincoln Square Restaurants, strive to make everyone feel at home, “…whether it’s their first or their hundredth time visiting the restaurant. This is our philosophy compared to franchises,” says George.