3 Tips to Ramp Up Your Social Media Engagement

Guest Author: Niki Burt

Uncovering new content for social media is hard work. Whether you’re short on content or feeling uninspired while writing captions, we want to ensure that the effort you’re putting into your platform is paying off. Follow these three snappy tips to get more eyes on your page. 

    1. Tag local handles every time you post. Many local social media accounts are constantly looking for new content to share. Tag accounts such as @YelpIndy, @IndianaOriginals, @VisitIndy, or any other local chambers or city handles that relate to your business. They’ll usually like or comment, but they also might ask if they can repost it. 
  • Pull photos and quotes off your Yelp page. All photos and reviews on Yelp are public domain. Don’t have any personal photos to share or can’t think of a clever caption? Pull them from your Yelp page and credit the Yelp user. A quote from a customer means more than a quote coming from an employee.
  • Show behind the scenes. Best-performing content often includes photos or captions that reflect vulnerability or behind-the-scenes peeks. Share a photo of yourself and explain why you started the business or what it means to you. Post a photo of your team packing hundreds of bags, you painting your art, or even a teammate making deliveries. Showing the heart behind your business connects customers to your brand on a personal and deeper level.

Feeling inspired now? Have a question? Reach out to local Indy Community Manager Niki at niki@yelp.com.