Indiana Owned Member, Kim's Key Lime Cookies on Life.Style.LIVE!

Indiana Owned is on a mission to help you identify and support local businesses faster and easier! Indiana Owned members are business owners who want you to know they live, work, and play here. They are the business owners donating food to shelters, sponsoring the little league teams and employing hundreds of thousands of people in our state.

Every business on falls into one of two categories. They are either an “Original,” meaning the company is Indiana-owned and operated, headquartered here and not part of an out-of-state chain, or they are a “Franchise Friend,” meaning the franchise is Indiana-owned and operated, the owner lives here in Indiana and is engaged in our community. 

When you see the Indiana Owned badge, you know you are supporting a local business like this one:

Kim Harvey, CEO of Kim’s Key Lime Cookies, joined us on WISH-TV8’s Life.Style.Live! to showcase her baked goods and announce a brand new product! Introducing Kim’s Key Lime Salad Dressings! Available now at

Kim’s products have been on the market for 27 years and they have been sold at Nordstrom in L.A., Macy’s in NYC, airport gift shops nationwide, and more!

Watch as Kim’s Key Lime creator chats with Randy Ollis and Amber Hankins of Life.Style.Live! about her baked goods and makes the big reveal!

Check out the Life.Syle.Live! feature here!  📺 Television Emoji | TV Emoji